Loren Noveck can’t find the “why” in this revival.
Venues: Nederlander Theatre
14 October 2021
Reviews • Broadway • NYC
Review: The Lehman Trilogy at the Nederlander Theatre
Nederlander Theatre ⋄ Through 2 January
By Cameron Kelsall
“There is a value to…approach[ing] unfettered capitalism with a critical eye,” writes our critic, but Stefano Massini’s play (as adapted by Ben Power) doesn’t keep its gaze trained where it should. Cameron Kelsall reviews.
29 August 2018
Reviews • Broadway • NYC
Review: Pretty Woman at Nederlander Theatre
Nederlander Theatre ⋄ Through June 2019
By Nicole Serratore
You’re better off sticking with your worn out VHS copy of the film than delving into this new musical. Nicole Serratore reviews