A high energy performance from Adrienne Warren and delectable choreography provide the dazzle in this biographical musical. Ayanna Prescod reviews.
Venues: Lunt-Fontanne Theatre
7 May 2018
Reviews • Broadway • NYC
Review: Summer: The Donna Summer Musical at Lunt-Fontanne
Lunt-Fontanne Theatre ⋄ 28th March through 18th November 2018
By Juliet Hindell
It crams in too much and skips salient issues but this jukebox musical still ends up being a lot of fun.
2 May 2017
Reviews • Broadway • NYC
Review: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at Lunt-Fontanne Theatre
Lunt-Fontanne Theatre ⋄ 28th March to 22nd April 2018
By Jordan G. Teicher
“Mindlessness seems to have won the day” in a frenetic, supersized new Broadway musical of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory.
24 April 2012
Reviews • Broadway
Lunt-Fontanne Theatre ⋄ Began 15th March 2012
By Richard Patterson
Screen-to-stage transfer of the hit movie.